M E R J A  H E I N O

HelsinkI, Finland

Tel. 050 4415655

firstnamelastname. art (ät)



1989–95  Degrees in Painting/ Visual Art in Taidekoulu MAA – Artschool

1978–88 Helsinki University of Technology (Aalto Universoty), Otaniemi / Department of Architecture

1998-99 Courses in Helsinki University of Art and Design


Artists’ Association MUU

Finnish Painters’ Union

Helsinki Artists’ Association

Ars Longa House’s Artists

Finnish Parlaments Arcadia Society


Tampere Art Museum

Raimo Anttila Foundation

HUS Helsinki University Hospital Art Collection

Kouvola Art Museum Poikilo

Finnish Parliament’s Art Collection

Helsinki City Art Museum

The Finnish Government’s Collection (The Cabinet, the Entrancehall of the Prime Minister; the Ministry of Education, ect.)

A. Ahlström Oy, Helsinki, Finland

Elisa Communications, Helsinki, Finland

Nokia Mobile Phones, Finland

Reader’s Digest Ab – Oy Valitut Palat, Helsinki, Finland

Kämp Hotel, Helsinki, Finland

The Union of Technical Employees, Majvik, Finland

Union Women’s Rights Federation in Finland, Helsinki, Finland


2024  Gallery A2, Helsinki

2023 Makers’ Gallery, Vaasa

2023 Gallery Katariina, Helsinki

2023  Galleria Duetto, Helsinki

2021 Taikka Gallery, Järvenpää

2020 Gallery Longa, Artists’s House Ars Longa, Helsinki

2019 Promenade Gallery, Hyvinkää

2019 Gallery Uusikuva, Kotka

2019 Gallery Saskia, Tampere

2017 Galleria Arthur, Helsinki

2016 Galleria Rikhard, Helsinki

2015 Galleriy Bronda, Helsinki

2015 Allergiatalo gallery, Helsinki

2015 Galleria Rikhard, Helsinki

2014 Galleria AVA, Helsinki

2013 Taidelainaamo TAIKKA, Järvenpää

2013 Gallery Torikorttelit, Helsinki

2013 Gallery Johan S, Helsinki

2012 Gallery Outolintu, Turku

2011 Promenadi gallery, Hyvinkää

2011 Gallery Becker, Jyväskylä

2010 Malmitalo Gallery, Helsinki

2007 Gallery Katariina, Helsinki

2006 Gallery G, Helsinki

2006 Poleeni Cultural Centre, Pieksämäki

2004 Gallery Eeva’s, Hanko

2004 Gallery Villa Epe, Savonlinna

2003 Galery Forsblom, Turku

2003 Studio Mezzo, Helsinki

2001 Gabel Gallery, Gabel Factory, Helsinki

2000 tm•gallery (Finnish Painters’ Union Gallery), Helsinki

1999 Gallery Villa Jankovsky, Kajaani

1998 Pihagalleria, Lahti

1998 Gallery Aurora, Porvoo

1997 Studio Mezzo, Helsinki

1997 Galery Pintura, Helsinki


2024-25  SKANNO x TAIDEMAALARILIITTO V,  Skanno Showroom, Helsinki

2024 TAIDE PIDENTÄÄ IKÄÄ – reseptejä HUSin taidekokoelmasta / HUS Helsinki University Hospital Art Collection,  Taidehalli, Helsinki

2024  SYYSSALONKI / Autumn Salon, tm-gallery, Helsinki

2024 URBANA HORTUS, Taidekeskus Ahjo, Joensuu

2023  ELO, Artists’ group Merja Heino, Juha Mäki-Jussila, Marjatta Oja, Jaakko Rönkkö, Inari Virmakoski, Gallery Longa&Fönari, Artists’ House Ars Longa, Helsinki

2022 JOY IN THIS MOMENT, Senior Salong 42, Galleria Tärinä, Riihimäki

2021 Imatra Art Museum, Senior Artists’ 50 Years Jubileum

2021 ‘Dream and Death – Hypnos and Thanatos’, Art Center Antares, Sippola, Kouvola

2020 ‘Art and Time’, Senior Artists’ , HAA Suomenlinnan rantakasarmi

2018 ‘Art – Means’, Taidekeskus Antares, Sippola

2017 ‘Green Earth, Flourishing City’, Art Museum Sinkka, Kerava

2016 Turku Street Art Festival, Media Art for Kids!, Turku

2016 ‘Silmänjuhla’, Media Art for Kids! , Salo

2016 ‘Robotoi’ – Media art for Kids!, Naantali Art Hall

2015 ‘Semi-Wild Garden’, Kouvola Art Museum, Finland

2014 Summer Exhibition, Galleria Bronda, Helsinki

2013-14 LiikKUVAT – video art for Institutes, production of Tampere Contemporary Art Museum and Tampere City.

2013 Pauperculus – National Mini-Graphics exhibition, Nokia Art Hall, Nokia

2013 Pyhäniemi Mansion’s Summer exhibition, Hollola

2013 Summer Exhibition, Galleria Bronda, Helsinki

2012 ‘Studies on Transitions’, Helsinki Artist’s Association, Helene Scherfbeck -anniversary exhibition in collaboration with Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki

2011 Helsinki Artists’ Assciations Summer Exhibition, Galleria Rantakasarmi, Suomenlinna, Helsinki

2010 ‘Climate Warming’ Joensuu Art Museum

2009 ‘About Animality’ , Helsinki Artists’ Association, Gallery Rantakasarmi, Helsinki

2008 ‘Natural Things’ – paintings, installations, video in Taidepanimo Arthall in Lahti, together: Merja Heino, Ylva Holländer, Tapani Hyypiä, Dan Pamgren, Eeva Tervala

2007 Self portrait -Helsinki Art Association’s 40 Year Exhibition, Gallery Rantakasarmi, Helsinki

2006 Visit for Five – Artists’s Association of Uusimaa, Mäntsälä

2005 Cable Factory’s Artists’ Summer Exhibition, Cable Factory, Helsinki

2005 Emotions Surfacing, Helsinki Art Association’s Summer Exhibition, Gallery Katariina, Helsinki

2004 The X-Exhibition, Suomenlinna Rantakasarmi Gallery, Helsinki

2003 The Union of Finnish Fine Art, Varkaus’s Artmuseum, Varkaus

2003 CURRENT! The County of Uudenmaa’s Art Exhibition, Art Factory, Porvoo

2003 Suvi-Pinx Summer, Sysmä

2003 Gallery U, Finnish-Hungarian Art Symposium Exhibition, Helsinki

2002 Pyhäniemi Mansion Summer Exhibition, Hollola

2001 Suvi Mix, Helsinki Art Association’s Exhibition, Gallery Katariina, Helsinki

2001 Cable Artists’ Summer Exhibition, Valssaamo, Cable Factory, Helsinki

2001 ’Kappas Kaapeli’, Cable Gallery, Gabel Factory, Helsinki

2000 Cable Artists’ Summer Exhibition, Cable Factory, Helsinki

2000 MINI – Helsinki Artists’ Association’s Summer Exhibition, Gallery Katariina, Helsinki

2000 Pyhäniemi Mansion Summer, Hollola

1999 ’Six Brilliants’, Kustaankartano Home for the Elderly, Helsinki (Ligh- installation -project with the Northern Lights -workshop in the Helsinki University of Art and Design, part of the Helsinki 2000 Cultural City Foundation -projekt).

1999 Honkahovi Art Centre, Mänttä

1999 Galery Hörhammer, Helsinki

1999 Koti särkyneelle mielelle, Kiasma, Helsinki

1999 Portfolios -exhibition, Projectroom, Kiasma, Helsinki

1998 The Union of Finnish Fine Art, 60 Years Exhibition, The Artmuseum of Savonlinna

1998 The Summer Exhibition of Eeva’s Gallery, Hanko

1997 Helsinki Art Association’s 30 Year Exhibition, Gabel Factory, Helsinki

1997 Artists in Transformer Substations, Transformer-group (participants Anu Tuominen,

Niran Baibulat, Merja Heino, Anne Siirtola, Marja Söderlund, with curator Hanna Johansson )

1997 Leikkaus 102, Artist Association of Finland’s 102 Yearly Exhibition, Kunsthalle, Helsinki

1996 Pictures of Earth, Hanko


2022 SUPERMARKET Independent Art Fair, Stockholm: as an artist and curator of Gallery Longa&Fönari’s artists group: Merja Heino, Mirka Flander & Jari Haanperä, Maritta Nurmi, Anu Suhonen, Inari Virmakoski.

2022 HUNTENKUNST 2022, Annual International Art Event, Ulft, Netherlands

2021 ARTEGROUND 2021, Viljandi Linnagallerii, Viljandi, Estonia




2012 ‘AIKA – AEG – TIME’ Heavenly Academy Artists Group, Viljandi Art Hall, Estonia

2012 BELA – Biennal of European and Latin American Contemporary Art, Galeria do Palácio, Porto, Portugal

2011 NORD ART 2011, KiC Kunst in der Carlschütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany

2011 FEELING – Videos of Merja Heino and Gregory Steel (Indianapolis, USA), GaleriaZero, Barcelona, Spain

2011 Finland-Station, Loft Etagi, Sant Peterbugh, producers Agma ry and Sillanrakentajat-ESR.

2010 NORD ART 2010, KiC Kunst in der Carlschütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany

2010 ARTEGROUNG Exhibition of Finnish Arts, 2010, Viljandi, Estonia

2003 IN VIA 6 – Internationales Künstlerinnen Symposium and Exhibition im Splügenpass, Schweiz

2002 3. International Graphic Workshop, Imatra, Finland;

2001 Finnish-Hungarian Artists’ symposium and workshop, Felsöörs, and Exhibitions in Balatonfüred and Vesprem, Hungary

2001 2. International Graphic Workshop, Imatra, Finland

2000 Tulipamwe International Artists’ Workshop, Kansimba Game Lodge, and Exhibitions in Windhoek, Namibia

2000 Tulipamwe Womens Workshop (as a teacher) and Exhibition, Windhoek, Namibia.


2016 AFF Artova Film Festival, Kino Sheryl, Helsinki, competition serie

2012 BELA Biennal of European and Latin American Contemporary Art, Porto, Portugal, the 2nd prize

2004 Finland’s New Parliament House Art Competition, B-series (artwork was one of the 27 works selected from 1700 works)

1998 Kemira’s Painting competition, A-series (two artworks selected)


2023 Arts Promotion Centre Finland

2022 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 6th covid- grant

2021 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 5th covid- grant

2021 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 4th covid- grant

2020 Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 2nd covid grant

2014 Niilo Helander Foundation

2011 Ministry of Education

2010 Frame Fund Finland and Mnistry of Education

2009 Niilo Helander Foundation

2005 Ministry of Education, the Showing Grant for Visual Artists scholarship

2005 The County of Uudenmaa’s Council of Fine Arts

2002 Alfred Kordelin Foundation

2000 Ministry of Education, the Showing Grant for Visual Artists scholarship

1999 Alfred Kordelin Foundation

1998 The County of Uudenmaa’s Council of Fine Arts

Grants for Artists Groups:

1997 The Finnish Cultural Foundation:

– ”Transformer”-group

– travel grant to Prague to explore the relationship of Architecture and Fine Art

1997 The Arts Council of Finland, joint grant for the ”Transformer”-Group.


Ars Longa House’s Artists, chairperson 2025

Exhibition Committee for the Finnish Painters Union:

– Chairperson 2014-15; 2016-17; 2003,04-05;

– Member for the Exhibition Committee 2000-01, 02;

-Board of the Finnish Painters’ Union:

– Vice Chairperson 2001-02,

– Board Member 2016-17; 1999-00, 01-02,

– Aspirant Member 1997-98

Board of the Finnish Artists’ Studio Foundation:

– Board Member 2002-04

– Chairperson 2003-04

Artists’ Association in Finland:

– Debuty Member 2002-03;

Helsinki Kunsthalle Foundation:

– Board Member 2000-02

– Debuty Member 1999;

Lutheran Congregation’s Art Department SECCO: Expert Art Member of the Board 2004-05

Member of the Editorial Boarde of the TAIDE art magazine 2003;

Member of the Representative Body of Delegation of The Artists’ Association of Finland 2000-05, 2009-10

CURATOR AND JURY DUTIES in Finland and abroad

2019 Metsäkaltevatalo art competition, Hyvinkää, member of the jury.

2015 East Helsinki’s Artists Association’s Jubile exhibition, Vuotalo, exhibition architect/ curator

2005 Exhibition Juror and Architect for the Ars Nova Art Association’s Year Exhibition, Savonlinna Art Museum, Savonlinna, Finland

2003-04 Curator and Exhibition Architect for the Finnish Painters’ Union’s “On the Road”-exhibition in Portugal, showing at 1 October – 13th November 2004 Lisbon, Portugal (29 artists, paintings, installations, videos)

2003 Curator and Exhibition Architect for the Espoo Art Association’s Year Exhibition, Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland

2002 Curator and Exhibition Architect for the Kirkkonummi Art Association’s 30 Year Exhibition, Kirkkonummi, Finland

2000-01 Member of the jury for the Finnish Painter’s Union’s Finnish exhibition “On the Road”

2000-01 Exhibition Architect for the “On the Road”-exhibition in Finland, showing in Seinajoki Art Hall, Imatra Art Museum, Rauma Art Museum, and the Lönnström Art Museum in Rauma.


2008 -15 The founding of the new ARTINFO – -website: up-to-date information on art exhibitions, galleries and art events in the Helsinki metropolitan area.

2011-12 MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER -project: a video collaboration project with institutes focusing on taking care of aged dementic people and mentally handicapped people. Videoworks were shown to them as part of their nursing.